西陣の地名の起こりについては、室町時代の応仁元(1467)に勃発した応仁の乱(応仁・文明の乱ともいう)に起因する。 上御霊神社の森から始まった大乱は、当時の管領を巻き込み、さらに足利義政とその妻、日野登美子との将軍家相続問題まで絡み、迷走の極みであった。
西陣織の礎となる技術は、5~6世紀頃に渡来した氏族秦氏がもたらした。 秦氏は養蚕、機織りの技術に長けていた。律令社会では織部 司が設置され、皇族をはじめ貴族たちの織物を生産していた。
平安時代中期にさしかかると、織物は民間へと次第に移行され、西陣の一角、堀川下立売から下長者町あたりで,綾、絹が織られていたと言われる。 しかし、先の応仁の大乱荒廃したのち、近代にかけて発展を遂げる。
The place name Nishijin originates from the Onin War (also known as the Onin Bunmei War) that broke out in the Onin era (1467) during the Muromachi period. The great uprising that began in the forest of Kamigoryo Shrine involved the Kanrei at the time, and even involved the issue of succession to the shogun family between Yoshimasa Ashikaga and his wife, Tomiko Hino, and reached the height of confusion. At this time, Katsumoto Hosokawa's ``Higashijin'' camp was located to the east of Horikawa-dori, and Sozen Yamana's ``Nishijin'' was camped to the west. This is the origin of the place name Nishijin, and today there is no remaining East Jin. The foundation technology for Nishijin-ori was introduced by the Hata clan, who came to Japan around the 5th or 6th century. The Hata clan was skilled in sericulture and weaving. In the Ritsuryo society, Oribe Tsukasa was established and produced textiles for the imperial family and other aristocrats. In the middle of the Heian period, textiles were gradually transferred to the private sector, and twill and silk are said to have been woven in a corner of Nishijin, from Horikawa Shimotachiuri to Shimochojamachi. However, after being devastated by the Onin War, it began to develop into the modern era. During the Edo period, around 1703, Nishijin textile entered a period of turmoil. It is said that Oriyamachi spanned 160 towns. After this, it survived the great fires of 1730 and 1788, and moved on to the Meiji period. New technological innovations were made here, and Nishijin became known for its high-quality silk fabrics. Source (Kyoto Dosue) Satoshi Shimizu
アクセス : 2248